Responding to intimate partner violence
Project location: Global
Dates: 2020-2022
Report delivered
Worsening rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) during the COVID-19 pandemic have given rise to a range of responses by governments and civil society organizations around the world. New Perimeter collaborated with the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security to research and publish Responding to rising intimate partner violence amid COVID-19 – A rapid global review. Our review highlights interventions that are both innovative and hold promise. These cover a number of domains and sectors, from efforts to increase awareness and reporting of abuse, to ensuring access of survivors to support services, health sector responses, and reforms designed to improve the delivery of justice.
Key deliverables
- Research and draft Responding to rising intimate partner violence amid COVID-19 – A rapid global review
Key facts
- Violence against women tends to increase during emergencies and times of stress, including pandemics. COVID-19 created a “perfect storm” of conditions that incite and encourage IPV.
- Reports from service providers and domestic violence hotlines around the world tend to show an increase in reporting of incidents of IPV following the first wave of COVID-19 lockdowns.
- The most promising responses of governments and civil society organizations fall under a series of fronts, including: 1) boosting public awareness and outreach; 2) innovating mechanisms available for reporting; 3) expanding housing and shelter options; 4) ensuring adequate health sector responses; 5) fostering economic independence; 6) supporting law enforcement and judicial interventions; and 7) advancing monitoring and evaluation efforts.
Featured staff
Program manager: Sara K. Andrews