In conversation with Mike Bedke

Working to Prevent Gender-Based Violence
In conversion with Mike Bedke

What inspired you during the project?

I was inspired and motivated throughout the entire Institute. The participants were amazing. The work being done by The Avon Foundation for Women, the US State Department, Vital Voices and, of course, New Perimeter, is incredible. The collaborative effort of these groups is truly moving the needle when it comes to addressing gender-based violence. The sponsors, presenters and trainers are working with local judges, law enforcement officials and victim advocates to adopt a process-oriented approach to handling domestic violence prosecutions.

This process uses a methodology that involves and cares for the victim at all levels and stages. It also involves close collaboration with advocates and social service agencies to ensure the victim is not re-victimized and is provided with the myriad of resources that are available to assist the victim and the family. A leading politician in Romania stated, “Romania is dying because of domestic violence…It is obvious that we must take action!” The attendees of the Institute are poised to take action and incorporate best practices they learned from their participation.

It should be noted that, as is so often the case, the presenters/trainers learned as much from the attendees as the converse. The discussions on what works and does not work with respect to a coordinated community response were eye-opening. I believe it is fair to say that, without exception, the attendees returned to their communities and organizations with new ideas, resources, strategies and rekindled enthusiasm to save lives and transform “victims” into “survivors.”

What was the most fulfilling aspect of the work?

The most fulfilling aspect of the Institute, for me personally, was the ability to add value to the tremendous work being done to curb gender-based violence. It was clear that relatively few of the players in the justice system and advocacy community had focused on safety planning for victims, engaging the business sector and faith communities and looking to men to be a part of the solution to reducing, and one day eliminating, gender-based violence. It was meaningful and gratifying to be able to get judges and prosecutors to consider adopting a zero tolerance approach to prosecuting domestic and family violence cases. The experience of being part of the training and learning from the other faculty members and attendees in a cross-cultural setting was as rewarding as it was humbling.

What one word describes your New Perimeter trip?

I would describe the experience and trip as life-altering. I honestly believe that lives will be saved as a result of the intense training of people in the Romanian system of justice. The attendees were highly intelligent, engaged, motivated and thoroughly committed to assisting victims…both individually and systemically.

Personally, one can’t help but wonder from time to time if what we do as business lawyers makes a difference and serves our communities and those in need. Being able to represent the firm and see firsthand the positive real world impact New Perimeter is making in the lives of real people is incredibly satisfying. I am proud to be a part of the firm’s international efforts to help on a global basis.

About Mike Bedke

Mike is a partner in DLA Piper's Miami office.

Full bio

"I believe it is fair to say that, without exception, the attendees returned to their communities and organizations with new ideas, resources, strategies and rekindled enthusiasm to save lives and transform “victims” into “survivors.”"